Linggo, Hunyo 23, 2013

Solar Power Buying Guide

With the rising prices in the nonrenewable energy that we are using today, not to mention the amount of damage its carbon emissions cause to the environment, more and more people are finding it practical to utilize solar energy to power their households. And thanks to technology, buying your own solar panels and solar power kit for use at home has been made possible and largely easier than when it was ten to fifteen years ago. Before making a purchase however, it is important to make the necessary solar panel comparison not merely on brand and price but on type and installation contractor as well.

Here is a simple power buying guide for all homeowners and business owners looking to make the shift to solar energy for their power needs:

    Know the types of solar panels and power available. Make a solar panel comparison as per type and capacity of each. Commonly, there are four types available in the market. The monosilicon panel is deemed the most efficient of these common types but is also among the most expensive. Its single silicon structure allows for most amount of sun energy converted into electricity. It’s easy to build on the roofs. It’s less expensive and less efficient relative, the polysilicon type uses thin silicon films on conduit wires. They’re also good to install on the roofs. The other type is the BIPVs or the building integrated photovoltaics. They make for the aesthetics as they are built into the wall/roof like actual shingles but they are less efficient.
    Determine how much energy you need. Oftentimes, households do not go full solar panel. They substitute a portion of their energy consumption with solar power so they significantly lower their electric bills. When buying your own solar kit, determine where you intend to use it (den, room, RV, cellar, etc) and how much energy you are to consume. This way you will only buy what you need i.e. the number of panels you’re going to install.
    Find the right company to handle the installation. Do not jump at the first contractor you find on the internet. Apart from solar panel comparison, run a comparison of the installers too! You might end up losing more money than what you save because you trusted the wrong company to handle the job for you.

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