Linggo, Hunyo 23, 2013

Solar Crisis for Investors and Manufacturers, Not for Consumers

Chinese manufacturers have recently faced a huge solar crisis that has caused the Chinese government to run to their aid. In the midst of debates about solar panels and how to make them more affordable for the average families, Chinese manufacturers of solar panels have come face to face with challenges on demands, defects, and steep tariffs in the US government.

For the most part, the US is still the largest market for Chinese manufacturers of solar panels. However, many of their clients have lost good faith in the much, much cheaper Chinese-made panels when defects and efficiency problems began arising.

On the other hand, popular solar energy companies in Germany - still tops in having the world’s cheapest solar energy rates - are facing their own crisis likely caused by mass producing Chinese companies. Some have thrown in the towel, while others are barely hanging on. If this is not solar crisis, then we do not know what is.

But this problem may be just between on the manufacturers’  and investors’ end. Companies might actually be struggling for their rightful place in the world market and for a dominant spot in the alternative energy sources market, but the consumers are on the winning end so far.

And this crisis may soon end, albeit only with a few winners.

Many homeowners and business owners are discussing about solar panels and the efficiency of investing in much cheaper, more ecologically friendly solar power for their consumption needs. On top of that, solar energy retail aka leasing is also on the rise even despite the dropping amounts in government incentives on renewable energy investments.

With this predicted rise in demand, solar energy is seen as the next best thing in energy sources across America. And while this may actually lower the prices of solar panels in the market -  lower than it already is today at 80% off its 2005 price - the demand will become steady to make up for it.

It is highly interesting to see that despite this so-called solar crisis in the energy market today, solar energy companies are still trying to make a surge in the stocks market while consumers are still trying to discuss and learn more about solar panels.

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